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Moors and the 501(c)(3) Business Structure

Writer's picture: Lonnie Bray ELLonnie Bray EL

Updated: May 2, 2024

Moors and the 501(c)(3) Business Structure,

Administrative Law Guide Lonnie’s Blog #5

This is Lonnie Bray EL, the Administrative Law Guide. I am a humble Kongfu Master, Top-rated Non-fiction Writer, and Award-Winning Filmmaker and Producer, United States Chess Expert, Host Of Lonnie’s Show and Lonnie’s Blog, Headmaster of The Moorish American Institute,  Director of The Moorish Psychology Association, Author of The Book Of Moors, Moorish American Nationality Keys Of The Moorish American Institute, and The Best Business Book, The Black White And Green Between What colleges don’t teach in 33 pages and Three Days. I Design Educational Programs for classroom and industry. I’m noted for work involving Indigenous History, Culture, and Social Issues.

This Lonnie’s Blog, Blog #5, is titled Moors and the 501(c)(3) Business Structure.

The following three points are introduction for the main story.

Point #1. I learned, from studying law in a book written in 1775 by Johnson and Johnson, that Moor is a term replaced with Negro due to slavery. Is that a provocative reason to identify as Moor? I think so. Moor is what we’ve called ourselves longer than anyone can remember, or document and it’s written right there from the year, 1775 in the Christian calendar (Cc). The terms Black and Person of African Descent are lawful extensions of the term, Negro.

Point #2. Negro, Black, and Person of African Descent are legal codes for non-Humans, those without Nationalities, because Africa is not a Nation. Africa currently contains 54 Nations, but Africa is continent and islands, like America currently contains 42 Nations on three continents and islands. Persons without Nationalities may never become US citizens, or American citizens. US Citizenship has to do with being a part of an occupying government in America. American Citizenship has to do with being Moor. For more on this thought, get a copy now of the book I wrote titled, “Moorish American Nationality Keys of The Moorish American Institute.”

Point #3. There really exists a thing called Christian Education, which one can learn from the First Webster’s Dictionary, from 1828. Today the institutions that determine things Christian and public education are the institutions, Harvard, Yale, other IVY League Schools, Cambridge, and Oxford, for example, all of them began by Moors, none of them recognizing Moors today. Christians recognize Blacks, but not Moors and Law recognizes Moors, but not Blacks. One without a proclaimed allegiance has no laws protecting them, or rights that anyone, including me, must by law respect. That’s one harsh reality that I learned studying law. But it’s that simple and I know it sounds twisted and some readers and listeners may want it to be wrong, simply because they like Black, but that’s a slave mentality attached to the actual slave term, Black. Talk to folks who remember just as recent as the 1950s and they’ll tell you that calling someone Black used to be a fighting-word.

Point #4. In this Blog, I sparingly utilize the four-letter S-word that ends in T.

Alright, now, to the regular story: 501(c)(3) is a type of federal business structure for some non-profit companies dealing with education, charity, and/or religion.

The question I had to recently ask the Moors among us is, “Is the 501(c)(3) business structure right for us?” Ultimately, the decision to go into business is about money. Business means ‘Make money.’ For those who wonder if something’s wrong with that, the answer is, No. Fundamentally, No. Everyone has to eat and everyone who works is worthy of his/her work. The 501(c)(3) business structure makes a business eligible for government and other funds, such as from grants, local to national. With the goal of helping community, bringing in government funds was my reason for pushing for the 501(c)(3).

Though I’ve written successful grants for The Moorish American Institute, as well as for-profit business, at other times, my programs have been passed over in favor of programs inferior to the purpose of improving community. For example, projects to paint murals, plant flowers, or host one day out-door DJ parties when the same grant funds could have funded an educational program that could have produced 12 young, new filmmakers.

No disrespect to artists painting murals, DJ’s partying, and people planting flowers, because some of them are my friends, my talented friends, and their works are fantastic and I love them and sincerely congratulate them, but when it comes to improving community, meaning skills that The People need, and we compare my programs next to theirs, I’ve told those friends to their faces, “Your paintings and your flowers and your parties are waaay week,” and they agree. Because what happens when funders simply make it look like on paper that they’re helping the community when they’re really not? Young people still sell drugs around the paintings, the party ends, and the flowers die. But of course the funders still get their tax write-offs.

I’ve seen contracted workers destroy and trash resources, such as tables, chairs, refrigerators, microwaves, computers, books, and sports equipment instead of offering them to the community. I’ve seen people who didn’t approve my grant, later use my same grant as their website’s primary example of how to write a winning-grant. One funder/pretend helper tried to give me money to take children behind the scenes and show them and talk to them about movie-making, but wouldn’t give the same funds to me in order to actually teach the children how to make movies. One more filmmaker in the hood is one fewer potential gang-member, dope dealer, or someone who’ll knock yo mamma in her head for what’s in her purse. That’s one real way that my programs help improve community.

Some people say my large programs won’t get funded, because they have the ability to actually improve communities. After I had applied to some companies for funding, then read some of their board-member names, I just laughed, because I realized why they had not responded to even my phone calls, or emails.

Earlier, I posed the question, “Is the 501(c)(3) business structure right for us?” Who is ‘Us?’ Most of My People don’t know that they’re Moors. No matter what some of My People currently call themselves, many know us as Moors. Public education and media acceptance are the problems with why we don’t know things such as

Moor is a Nationality choice on US National censuses, for example. However, there are not enough registered Moors, Nationals, or Naturals to influence business, which is why neither the terms, American, Moor, Moorish American, Moorish European, Irish, Anglo-Saxon, or German, for example, are demographic choices in the 501(c)(3) business structure. Therefore, the 501(c)(3) business structure isn’t designed to aid, or to assist People with actual Nationalities.

That said, plenty of My People are here in East Cleveland and the Glenville Neighborhood of Cleveland, where I sleep, work, and volunteer. The demographics are majority Blacks/Persons of African Descent, a choice that the 501(c)(3) business structure does list. According to the 501(c)(3) agreement, The Moorish American Institute had the opportunity to aid and assist a certain demographic, so in order to try to bring some money into the community through The Moorish American Institute, I checked the box that read, Blacks/Persons of African Descent, the same box that all those other people had checked for themselves in censuses, schools, hospitals, and other institutions, and; therefore, agreed to be that without knowing the history and law of what that is.

So best case scenario, we were to bring money in for, “Blacks and Persons of African Descent,” but what about the fact that The Moorish American Institute is for advanced learners and what happens when pupils learn to demand their Nationality? Could they be kicked out of 501(c)(3) programs? Yes, they could. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing if a business model is based on learned ones moving on to new heights. However, Setting up business to aid and assist non-Moors with a backdoor idea to helping Moors is counterintuitive, counterproductive, and dangerous. For example, one could lose focus and total control of one’s entire business, because 501(c)(3) businesses must have boards and boards have board members who make decisions, such as firing the CEO. Some Moorish Science Temples Of America, for example, are 501(c)(3) businesses and because of that, their administrations, too, can be taken-over by people who are not, by Temple guidelines, supposed to take over, such as pale peoples, Blacks, Browns, Whites, Chocolates, Cafes, Mulattoes, Rainbows, Mixed Race People, Multi-Race People, homosexuals, transsexuals, Christians, Jews, Freemasons, and others. However, based on discrimination laws, they can take over, and it can happen with, for example, differences and attitudes with what to do with the money, or issues of nationality, race, religion, sexuality.

I wasn’t being funny with naming the US race codes, Chocolate, Cafe, Mulatto, Rainbow, or any others. All of those exist. In any case, some Moorish Science Temples have already been taken over by Christians and Freemasons. Ask some Sheiks. Two have proudly let me know about their Christian oaths as Freemasons. They think they’re real slick. I encourage listeners and readers to not be so trusting and to ask plenty of questions.

To those who say, Noble Drew Ali was a Freemason, I ask, was he? If so, then why did Robert Marcus Bey, direct pupil of Charles Mosley Bey, direct pupil of Noble Drew Ali, instruct me not to teach Moorish Science to Freemasons? I’m thinking the answer is, because Noble Drew Ali was not a Freemason. However, I encourage challenges to that statement, because it could lead to interesting conversation that could provide listeners and readers with enough information to make up their own minds.

While trying to make sense of the 501(c)(3) business structure for Moors, I learned and bettered myself. However, we feel like we’ve been discriminated against by companies that support 501(c)(3) businesses and we fell like the only positive of the 501(c)(3) business structure for Moors seems to be not paying certain taxes, such as sales tax. Thus, I concur with other Moors against the 501(c)(3) business structure for Moors and that is the reason why The Moorish American Institute is no longer a 501(c)(3) company. The Moorish American Institute is fortunate enough to have began as and remained an Ohio Non-profit education company, which is super cool, because only a handful of US Of A States recognize state non-profit companies.

I give Acknowledgment, Respect, and Honors to those Moorish Science Temples Of America that are 501(c)(4) companies, because that structure allows Moors to keep power, all decision-making, and the fruits of their labor among Moors.

I invite listeners and readers to present opposing argument to what I’ve presented here about 501(c)(3) business structure and try and convince us to remain 501(c)(3). Also, I ask listeners and readers, in Administrative Law, does a case exists for Moorish businesses being eligible for federal government funds?  What do you think of all this? Let me know.

In my next Blog, Blog #6, I’ll get personal to me and my to life. Any questions about me you’d like answered in Blog #6 you can ask them here, or email questions to me at

This has been Lonnie Bray EL, Administrative Law Guide to Knowing More for Top Quality Education and Human-Togetherness.

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