The More We Know, the More We Help
Moorish American Education since 1975
Foods out of Moorish Kitchen promote health and tastes delicious.
Saucy and grilled Moroccan Italian, Sicilian, Moroccan French, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Hindu Foods, all Moorish Foods, come out of my kitchen with my own flair.
In my kitchen, I grill vegitables and meats, but my favorite foods are from sauteé and I love soup and salads, fruit salads, too, which health-wise is a good thing, because liquidy foods put nutrients into the blood fast.
Moorish American Education teaches that Foods are specific to physical and mental performace.
I love sauce, because sauce holds flavor. Plenty of Moorish Foods are rich with sauce and often spicy sauces.
Of all the skills I’ve mastered, Cooking is one of my favorites, because I love deliciousness and because food is a way to hearts. As a man I’ve enjoyed making women still with a plate of something saucy.
On the other hand, junk-foods clog blood-flow. That means to the brain, too, the ability to think and process what the Hell’s goin’ on at maximum capacity. Eat one donut and yer’ handicapped in the nugget, Boy, till it gets out yer’ blood, yeah.
Junk-foods are litterally drugs. Some junk foods have more drugs in them than food. Read the ingredients to know. I’ve never once taken drugs, so I’m not gonna pretend like I know what drug addicts go through, or have gone through. However, I do wanna help food-addicts. Mental health professionals and drug addicts have shared with me their findings, that speaking softly to drug-addicts is futile, that only hard words go far.
Most likely fat people now-a-days are fat, because they’re on drugs. On the other hand, Moors are characteristically healthy, that means atheletically built and sharp of mind.
Healthy minds are able to pay attention, stay on topic, and answer simple questions with simple answers. If you’ve wondered why some Moor seems to be experiencing cognitive problems, such as unable to hold your eyes when speaking, they ramble, can’t answer simple questions with simple answers, take a look and ask yourself, are they fat? If so they have a nutritional problem.
Why do I talk like this, cause someone may feel like, Oh, he’s hurting my feelings? I’d ask them, Do you want to have hurt feelings and figure out how to be healthy and alive, or me never have spoken and you’d be dead? Why am talking like this? Because I’ve been around long enough to have a say.
As a child people laughed at me for the way I eat. Some of them, instead of just eating right, they ate junk, laughed in my face about it, then ened up in nursing homes, or cemetaries from obesity and food-related diseases, and I want to help others not have to go through so much pain and enjoy their lives in healthy, energetic bodies.
Moorish American Education teaches that there’s no such thing as junk-food, only foods and that junk-foods are poisons. Poisons drain energy, cause diseases, and kill us early. Poisons should not go into our bodies. Junk-filled blood fuels junk-thinking brains. Do you, or know someone you know easily become upset? That problem may be food-related.