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WHAT IS MOORISH AMERICAN? and WHY ish on MOOR?  Question #3 presented by,

Moorish AI - a Tuition-Free Online platform for Moorish American Education, Moorish History, and Moorish Psychology, designed to develop Strategic-Thinking, Strategic Planning, and Integrity, being constructed, programmed, and copyrighted, by Lonnie Bray EL, as you read this.

What is Moorish American? and Why ish on Moor?

​​A.  From “The Book Of Moors"  (EL, 2023):


Moorish.    Moorish, as a noun, means, One Of The Moor Nation. As an adjective Moorish means, Having to do with Moors. Other examples of the ish construct as people identifiers are Amish, Danish, English, Finnish, Irish, Jewish, Polish, Scottish, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. Moorish is the same as Moresque, Moresk, Morris, and Maurice.


Moorish American.    Moorish American is an established lawful Nationality recognizing True and Indigenous American Nationals, Blood Heirs of America, a term, which distinguishes from those who utilize the term, American, simply because their ancestors invaded and supplanted the True Americans. The Moorish American lawful status is non-US citizen National, meaning a National on land occupied by conquering foreigners.


Moorish American Tradition And Argument.    The Moorish American Argument is that so-called Blacks, Negroes, Afro-Americans, Afro-Cubanos, Afro-Latinos, African-Americans, Mexicans, Mestizos, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Colored People, People Of Color, and several others may all be defined as Moorish Americans with Rights to claim such and reject the idea of being descended from imported African slaves. 

Pale Europeans are unable to bare the burden of proof that they imported so many people from Africa on slave ships, because there are no slave ships. No evidence of so much as one such slave ship exists, not one docked somewhere, not one in a museum, or even one sunk someplace. In 2019 the Alabama Historical Society confirmed that the remains of a vessel found near 12 Mile Island is the Clotilda, the only known American slave ship, and probably transported slaves; yet, from New York, because the Clotilda is more of a river barge than a ship worthy of sea travel. In fact all pale Europeans offer as proof of slave ships are two pairs of rusty shackles claimed to have been found in waters near Florida.

It reasons that people with technology sophisticated enough to find traces of cultures millions of years-old in the Earth and underwater should be able to produce evidence of such a recent event as a few hundred years ago. Pale Europeans display paintings and sculptures of slave ships and offer tall tales about slave ships and intercontinental slave trades; however, not one such slave ship exists anywhere. This leaves one logical conclusion to be drawn, that Moors were not brought to America by pale Europeans, that in fact, Moors are the Americans already in America before 1492 Cc who became prisoners of war and enslaved within our own homeland.

The Moorish American argument holds, because of proof in blood. DNA tests contradict the Anglo claim of origins and support that so-called African Americans are actually Moorish Americans. These facts should be enough to cause one to rethink the value of spending time in government public education for history and should be light towers for Moorish education.


Are you Moorish American? If so, what does Moorish American mean to you?


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