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WHAT IS NATIONALITY? Question #4, presented by,
Moorish AI - a Tuition-Free Online platform for Moorish American Education, Moorish History, and Moorish Psychology, designed to develop Strategic-Thinking, Strategic Planning, and Integrity, being constructed, programmed, and copyrighted, by Lonnie Bray EL, as you read this.
What is Nationality?
A. Nationality is Human Identity, the condition of being related and in allegiance with a Nation,
characterized by five elements: Blood, Land, Flag, Ancestral Religion, and Free National Name.
Element #1 - Blood
Blood, meaning family, with whom one is Blood-related, is the most important element of Nationality.
Element #2 - Land
Land, meaning the land of one’s People. Land represents Mothers, and what must be protected.
Element #3 - Flag
Flag, meaning The National Flag of One’s Nation. A Nation’s Flag represents Fathers, the Law of the Land.
Element #4 - National Religion
National Religion, meaning the religion of one’s Ancestors. Acknowledging Ancestral Religion means keeping the truth of the culture and history, not necessarily becoming religious, but learning the culture is a must.
Element #5 Free National Title (Name)
Free National Title, Appellation, Nomen, or to speak plainly, Free National Name, is what identifies one with one’s Nation. The character and sound of the name speaks to the world that one stands in Honor.
Nationality is a thing of pride that bonds one with others in common culture and focus.
People who have nationalities are Nationals, the First to be Classed Citizens within their own Nations. Outside of their Nations they become Aliens if visiting, Naturals if becoming citizens, and subjects, or undesirables if they lose National Status.
Ali is the Royal Title and not supposed to be given unauthorized.
What about the AL and Dey Titles?
A. Moors may style their titles how they see fit. Ali EL Bey are the traditional Moor Titles and The Imperial Moor Pyramid Government System. AL derives from EL and Dey derives from Bey as Titles of the East, not the West, meaning, not America, for those concerned.
Related Questions
What if I identify as being Blood-related with two families, or more and can I identify as being of
two Nations, or more?
A. Each child is born under one house and receives one name, usually a name attached with the
Father’s Blood and Nation. The father’s Nationality is the Nationality of the child. If the father has no Nationality and the mother has no Nationality, then the parents and child are stateless and the child has the responsibility to attain Nationality on one’s own.
The simple answer to the above question is, Yes; however, not in every case. For example, we may hold duel citizenship with more than one Nation, in some cases; however, citizenship has status levels and is not Nationality, or Nationality by Blood.
Can I switch Nationalities?
A. Yes, meaning by citizenships and citizenship statuses as well as by Blood, if one’s blood is
mixed. For mixed-bloods, switching Nationalities can be as simple as making the claim based on blood, which means first doing a DNA test. This is why for several people, Nationality is a choice. Nationality requires Allegiance. In Moorish Culture, Ali is the highest title. To whom will you give your allegiance?
If your answer is, “To Moors,” then you’ve found a Home here.